The list of the assessments to be given.


MAP: Math Primary Grades (CCSS)
MAP: Reading Primary Grades (CCSS)

Screening: Math Early Numeracy (optional)
Screening: Reading Early Numeracy (optional)

1st Grade

MAP: Math Primary Grades (CCSS)
MAP: Reading Primary Grades (CCSS)

2nd Grade

MAP: Math Primary Grades (CCSS)
MAP: Reading Primary Grades (CCSS)

or (for high achieving grade level)

MAP: Math 2-5 (CCSS)
MAP: Reading 2-5 (CCSS)

3-5th Grades

MAP: Math 2-5 (CCSS)
MAP: Reading 2-5 (CCSS)
MAP: General Science

6-8th Grades

MAP: Math 6+ (CCSS)
MAP: Reading 6+ (CCSS)
MAP: General Science